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Welcome to the Department

Prof. Jonathan Hogarh
Prof. Jonathan N. Hogarh

Welcome to the Department of Environmental Science! The environment, no doubt, occupies a central stage in the global developmental agenda in the 21st century. With clear linkages established between the environment and human wellbeing, expertise in environmental science is very much needed to help resolve contemporary and emerging environmental issues, while managing future environmental risk. Indeed, these are exciting times to study environmental science!

Here at KNUST Department of Environmental Science, our outstanding faculty provides high impart-learning opportunities for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, through inter­disciplinary subjects with a key focus on the fundamentals and application of science. Our faculty members are engaged in collaborative research that seeks to advance the frontiers of environmental science and bring sustainable solutions to local, regional and global environmental issues. We are at the forefront of training environmental scientists in Ghana and the sub-region.

We wish you every success in your time in this department and hope it will be an enjoyable and transformative experience.